Google Ad Fees Explained

15 Oct, 2020  |
Thuha Wright

Baby Update and Google Ad Fees explained

As you may or may not know, during lockdown I was pregnant. I am happy to share that Baby J arrived safely 2 weeks early on Wednesday 26th August weighing 5lbs 3oz.We are both doing well and her older sister is super happy to have a sibling. 

Google Ad Fees update and what it means to budget management

At the beginning of September, Google announced Regulatory Operating Costs of DST Fees will be charged for advertising in Turkey, Austria and UK. These are Government imposed fees and Google are passing the cost to advertising.  What does this mean for you and your small budget? The fee will be an additional line and calculated as a percentage of Account budget.  So in the UK, the fee is 2% of advertising costs. This means, if you have set Google Ads to spend £50 a day, you will then be charged an additional £1 to cover DST costs. If budgets are super tight you need to divide your total Google Ads budget by 1.02 to work out what your total daily spend should be. So if you cannot spend more than £1,500 a month in advertising then you need to divide 1,500 by 1.2, then what you spend on ads would be 1,470.  More information is available here. I hope you have this useful. I am still taking registrations for the next Google Ads Made Easy Course I will be running. The course cost will increase however I will be sharing exclusive offers for those already on my email list or those who join the course before March. So if you know anyone who you think would benefit from this course please send them to register here.


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