Google Analytics: Done For You

Is ideal if:

  • You know how valuable having Google Analytics is
  • You manage ads and want to get the best value from your budget
  • You would rather be using it than learning how to set it up

I am now offering a limited number of Done For You packages, which means that within 3 weeks* you could have:

  • a working Google Analytics linked to your website,
  • pulling in the relevant events and ads activity
  • and you can start making informed marketing decisions and know where to best spend your ads budget, time and focus

Basically, be a better informed website owner.

What you will get:
  • GA4 setup
  • GTM (Google Tag Manager) Installation
  • Up to 5 Events /Goals
  • Google Ads integration
The process:
  • Once you’ve decided that you want me to take away the hassle of learning how to build and connect Google Analytics to your website yourself, fill in the form below so we have more details about your requirements
  • We will then send you an email with a link to select a “build” slot
  • Once you’ve booked your slot, we will email you with details of how to make payment
  • Once payment is received your slot is confirmed and we will get to work straightway
  • Any questions, email [email protected]


From £500 one-time investment:
  • GA4 setup
  • GTM Installation
  • Up to 5 Events /Goals
  • Google Ads / Paid Social channel reporting
From £750+VAT one-time investment:
  • GA4 setup
  • GTM Installation
  • Up to 5 Events /Goals
  • Google Ads / Paid Social channel setups
  • Bespoke automated report (2 amends)

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