Series 1, Episode 1: Liane J Butcher | Using voluntary work to change career paths

15 Apr, 2019  |
Thuha Wright

Liane J Butcher talks about how she rediscovered her work values whilst volunteering in Kurdistan, the effect of war on people, and how she came to incorporate yoga in her working life. We discuss the challenges of working in two very different industries, and keeping connected to clients and colleagues when working remotely. In addition, Liane shares her ideas on how to change careers or move to a completely different industry and how volunteering is a great way to do this. Also, how important it is to being open to opportunities because you never know you may find new passions.

Listen to the Squiggly Career podcast interview with Emma Rosen about her radical sabbatical via wherever you listen to podcasts. The podcast is called: #70 Career Possibilities & The Radical Sabbatical. Released 19 February 2019


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